Newport Coast Interior Designer – Wallpaper!

Wallpaper!  Oh how I love it!  I hear from clients and contractors and everyone in between shrug when I say the word wallpaper.  Most people think that wallpaper is dated and vinyl and has no place in the modern homes of today.  I could not disagree more.  I love it!  I love the way it makes a space feel, I love the warmth that it gives a room and I especially love the way it adds texture to a wall.

Grasscloth wallpapers are very hot right now.  They are a natural fiber wallcovering that is made from bamboo, silk, and natural fibers that are woven together.  These grasscloth coverings come in a wide array of colors from steel gray to beautiful natural tones; some even have beautiful patterns on them.

I would suggest, if you are not familiar with wall paper hanging that you have a professional do it for you.  I personally have hung grasscloth wallpaper and had no issues with it.  In fact, I think it is easier to hang than some vinyls.  The trick it the paste and the amount of paste that you use…

Lots and lots of paste – just be careful not to get it on the front of the paper as it can stain the paper

make sure that you paste the seems so they don’t fold up.
scissors can be easier to use than razor blades with natural grasscloth.

So, I hope you may have a different outlook on the current wallcoverings available today.  Stop into our studio – SKD Studios located at 3415 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach and we can show you some beautiful wallcoverings.

Happy Decorating!
