Irvine Kitchen and Bath Remodeling done by SKD Studios is something we are very passionate about. We love to create amazing spaces and when we are finished we love to photograph them and share them with the world.
One of the things I learned early on in my career is to hire a professional. One can’t be good at everything, and while I am pretty good at creating the space, capturing it on film is entirely another.
Here are few tips we have learned from the Pros when photographing your space.
1. Choose and angle – professional photographers take the pictures from all angles of the room. They choose the most flattering angle and start shooting. Often times they get on their knees and begin shooting there in order to have a slight upward angle. They always try to shoot he floor as a picture of a room without a floor gives an unsettling floating feeling.
2. Lighting – Professionals try to use natural light whenever possible. Although they warn to stay away from really bright windows as that can cause a bright light effect. When they really want to hone in on an object they may find it necessary to use a back light.
3. De – Clutter – make sure that the space you are photographing is clutter free. Then bring out the best accessories you can find throughout the house to properly “stage” the area. We love to use natural flowers and grasses whenever possible, they add a touch and photograph beautifully. Your professional photographer may want to focus in on one particular object and you want to make sure you have plenty of options.
Remove the waste baskets, figurines and anything that seems to distract from the focal point. The desk area should be clean and clutter-free. Tasteful accent pieces such as a small vase of tulips or a picture frame can enhance the quality of the photograph.In the kitchen remove large and cumbersome electrical gadgets and replace with large bowls of fresh fruit to add color and a lived in feel. Make sure all countertops and cabinets are as clean as can be.
4. Be a Copy Cat
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